Monday, January 30, 2012

Authenticity of the Material

What is it about the authenticity of material that keeps me land locked? In working with a medium that is all about tricks, tape and tucks why can’t I just fake the funk to get the image. But yet there I sit staring at re-appropriated images trying to discern what fits where and how.

I guess it boils down to processes. Everyone has one. Everyone wants to abide by one. Everyone sometimes gets hampered down by one. Going through the stacks is part of the research. It is my trench through the American west to find El Capitan.

I always thought I would be the guy hitting the road to find the next great spot. But I quickly felt that a lot of photography has moved past that. Not everything has been photographed but I still do feel that the “prosumer” has freed photographers from the outside world. We need to turn inward like painters did back in the mid 1800’s and create from somewhere not already in existence. The pictures have been found. Now let’s make some art.