Monday, August 29, 2011

Coming back strong

Summer is over and I promise to post some new stuff up soon. If anyone still reads this or ever has
Things that i have been thinking about:
  1. narrative
  2. pop up books
  3. freedom of the lens
  4. Eastman's black box and zieses cold eye
  5. materials and their meaning, why are news papers so flimsy, it isn't cheap to publish any more
  6. Understanding the construction, is that important
  7. artist statement.. i haz none...
  8. stepping up the job search
  9. Stepping up the posting.
  10. Mobile blogging. Has been keeping me looking at colors. Problem is mostly on the train and then i forget to post when I get home. Mobile blog fail. See my profile for my mobile randomness of color and patterns
  11. collaborations? how do i do these? its hard when your a control freak in your art
  12. who cares? meh
  13. just to make it thirteen cause i like that number
  14. ok so 14 is cool too cause i have been thinking about dektol and oriental paper....hhmmmmmm silvery deliciousness.
Things that have happened:
Exhibition lab was great. if you haven't looked into it. google and check it out.
Opening was packed for the 100 degrees it was and people were pyched for the work. Need to follow up on a few things from that. and get more of these pieces up on my official site.
Work came back from Tokyo. Still in great condition. Was so happy to work with Project Bash show and that crew.
Having the idea to curate a show. I wish i knew how to get space but i guess you get space by trying to get space. we shall see and hopefully i can get some of the people I look to for inspiration some exposure. Looking to stay Brooklyn local, maybe contact gowance for some time there. it seemed reasonable and is still supporting local artist.
That's all for now, if you read this.... comment and let me know.